Sunday, May 24, 2009

Here's to Laughter Yoga!

And now two months have passed since I last wrote. I can't say that I am really back into the swing of things, but at last, I have started. Today I conducted my first laughter yoga class in nearly a year (how does time pass so quickly?). I was contacted while I was in California by a man wanting to know if I would possibly be interested in having a laughter yoga class at an AIDS retreat in May. At the time, I wasn't sure what my condition might be, but I agreed.....and also filled him in on my situation.

Am I ever glad I agreed to do this! Yesterday I drove over to the other side of the state, was rather surprised when I met the group last evening to find I would be the only female in their midst. I greeted them and then ran off to the shores of Lake Michigan to see a breath-taking sunset. The cottage where I was staying was tucked into a lush woods - a little scary at first, but I left a light on and fell asleep immediately. During the night, there was a crack-banging thunder storm, but the rain lulled me back to sleep and I awoke after a peaceful 8 hours....something that never happens at home. Old-fashioned oats, raisins, and bananas for breakfast and the guys were chomping at the bit for laughter yoga.

The session was, as they told me to say, fabulous! One guy was totally out of control, rolling with laughter on the floor....major belly laughs for everyone. For me, the best Sunday I have had in a very long time, bless you, Madan!

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